We are a Czech company and traditional manufacturer of high-quality fibreglass laminate containers intended in the agricultural, food-processing and chemical industries. These containers can also be used in many other sectors. We manufacture all volumetric containers by using proven technology — winding of glass reinforcement and contact layup . This technology was originally developed in the '50s for the aerospace industry. We have been creating products since the very beginning of our company with the use of the method of accurate winding. More precisely — since 1968.
Siluett Plast in Figures
Since 1968, we have manufactured more than 13 500 pieces of fibreglass laminate containers with a volume of about 597.5 million litres, including 1 550 filters.
You do not have to look for us at the ends of the world
We have our production plant in Dýšina, near Plzeň — in the premises of IPPE (Industrial Park of Plzeň-Ejpovice), formerly the premises of Škoda Ejpovice. It is just 5 km from the D5 motorway.
Export to any place you wish
We deliver our fibreglass laminate products to many countries, e.g. to countries from Sweden to Greece and from France to Kazakhstan. However, we can export our products anywhere — including to countries outside Europe.
We really do not know the word Complaint
Our fibreglass laminate containers are characterised by high-degree strength, chemical resistance and a long (nearly unlimited) lifetime. Therefore we can afford to sell containers with an extended warranty. And we are not afraid of complaints.